New Day BF
Joe Mardesich

Comercial Real Estate
Owner Occupied Commercial:
A to D quality programs. All with super competitive pricing!
LTV’s to 90%
Rates for “A” programs start at low 7’s for 5, 10, or 25 year fixed
25 and 30 year fixed products
Interest only option available on all loans for .25% add to rate
Almost any property type except land. Including easy “generic” properties like office or warehouse, and “difficult” properties like gas stations, hotels, auto dealerships, etc.
Purchase, construction to perm, refi, and cash out refi
Nationwide lending area
Investor Commercial:
B & C (bank fallout) programs for office, generic retail, light industrial and mobile home parks
A, B and C programs for Multifamily with 5 or more units
LTV’s to 75%
30 year fully amortizing
5, 7, 10, 15 and 30 year fixed products
Interest only option available on all loans for .25% add to rate
Lite Doc option – requires no tax returns
Purchase, refi, cash out refi or true bridge
Nationwide lending area