My Story
Very few aspects about a home purchase are simple; even just choosing a street to live on can feel impossible. My goal is to make your loan as relaxing and fun as possible. You have so many other important decisions to make; why should you have to choose which loan product to get, when I can find one that will be the best fit for you and your family?
When I'm not working on loans, I'm on my bike. You might have seen me on the Santos Trails, or just cruising around the trails of Tampa. Even if you're not a biker, you may have seen my products from my company, Hardcore Labs. I develop not just bike products, but also regular chemicals to help keep your life clean.
I must admit - I am a transplant. I came from the west to spend the rest of my days on the warm beach, where I'll never have to worry about the snow again. Florida was an obvious and natural first choice.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.